Simple Program

In this section, we first explain the basic usage of ldbc by creating and executing a simple program.

※ The program environment used here is assumed to be the one built in the setup.

The first program

In this program, we will create a program that connects to a database and retrieves the results of a calculation.

Now, let's create a query that asks the database to calculate a constant using sql string interpolator.

val program: Executor[IO, Option[Int]] = sql"SELECT 2".query[Int].to[Option]

Queries created with sql string interpolator use the query method to determine the type to retrieve. Here, query[Int] is used to get the Int type. Also, the to method determines the type to retrieve. Here, to[Option] is used to get the Option type.

Method Return Type Notes
to[List] F[List[A]] View all results in a list
to[Option] F[Option[A]] Result is 0 or 1, otherwise an error is generated
unsafe F[A] Exactly one result, otherwise an error will occur

Finally, write a program that connects to the database and returns a value. This program connects to the database, executes the query, and retrieves the results.

  .use { conn =>

Connected to database to calculate constants. Quite impressive.

Execute with Scala CLI

This program can also be run using the Scala CLI. The following command will execute this program.

scala-cli --dependency io.github.takapi327::ldbc-dsl:0.3.0-beta8 --dependency io.github.takapi327::ldbc-connector:0.3.0-beta8

Second program

What if you want to do multiple things in one transaction? Easy! Since Executor is a monad, you can use for comprehensions to make two small programs into one big program.

val program: Executor[IO, (List[Int], Option[Int], Int)] =
    result1 <- sql"SELECT 1".query[Int].to[List]
    result2 <- sql"SELECT 2".query[Int].to[Option]
    result3 <- sql"SELECT 3".query[Int].unsafe
  yield (result1, result2, result3)

Finally, write a program that connects to the database and returns a value. This program connects to the database, executes the query, and retrieves the results.

  .use { conn =>

Run with Scala CLI.

This program can also be run using the Scala CLI. The following command will execute this program.

scala-cli --dependency io.github.takapi327::ldbc-dsl:0.3.0-beta8 --dependency io.github.takapi327::ldbc-connector:0.3.0-beta8

Third program

Let's write a program that writes to a database. Here, we connect to the database, execute a query, and insert data.

val program: Executor[IO, Int] =
  sql"INSERT INTO user (name, email) VALUES ('Carol', '')".update

The difference from the previous step is that the commit method is called. This commits the transaction and inserts the data into the database.

  .use { conn =>

Execute with Scala CLI.

This program can also be run using the Scala CLI. The following command will execute this program.

scala-cli --dependency io.github.takapi327::ldbc-dsl:0.3.0-beta8 --dependency io.github.takapi327::ldbc-connector:0.3.0-beta8